Sunday, March 6, 2011

1st outing w the fatty in march

what an exhausted day for me =="  Its tired man!!!!but i do happie =) wakakaka~~ coz i can see my fatty bom bom... yeepi~~~ Long long time din meet him dy  * even just few days oni XD .

Every beginning of each months its our monthsary =) actually i felt tired to celebrate this day coz slowly it not that special for me dy ==" * we had been celebrate this freaking day for 35months jor la %$@&*  but the oni spirit that can push me go is the Fatty, i hope to see him all the time, so i will take every opportunity to meet with him =) haha...

 We made an appointment to meet in KLCC. KLCC is our meet up point actually. XD wakaka~ i waited for him for 3 hours dy but i willing to do so... Once he reached there we just walk around then we go for a movie (I'M NO. 4) *can watch la. After the movie we went to Madam Kwan's. 

 fatty w the Nasi Briyani
The Nasi erm....not to my taste, dono why  =( my stomach felt uncomfortable somemore!!!!! After the Madam Kwan's,  we went to Zara, Topshop and Parkson, coz i think to get some clothes.....

cam whore in the fitting room hate my body!!! ARGHHHH!!!!
finally din get anything =( SIGH!!!! Fat body wear what also not nice 1 =( *wanna slim down la 
But.............**** ding ding ding ding****
a Redhip bright up my mood =)
this is my Redhip from the Fatty =) love it.....
thanks my dar dar (fatty) u looks like the Redhip much much =)
love u <3 *in pink   muwahhhhhhhhzzzz =)

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