Monday, March 7, 2011

virgin for gays 9!!!!

OMGeeeee~~~~ I went to Maison last 9... Last 9 was gay 9 u know and that was my virgin clubbing 9 =) Huhu~ i never went to club before and this is my 1st time^^ excited badly but it's for Gay! Yer~~~ =( Auntie Shereen said went to gay club for what? No matter how prettier or sexier u dressed up also No ppl see u 1 =='' The reason is because i no the "batang"??? i guess... Haha... Whatever just think to go there and have a look XD 

I went to Maison w the 2 bitches fang and carmen, our so called "driver" fumi and his gang *all gay!! speechless!!! ... Fumi set out to my house about 10p.m then we go to GK to pick the 2 bitches =P
on the way going to GK =)
"Huh!!! FANG's lost her I.C?!!" =='' She always lost her property 1 i also dono why?! She was afraid the ppl wanna check I.C, just to avoid the unwanted incident to happen so we just hang to her house to check once again for her. Tak ada lah Fang! Nevermind she took her license to replace the I.C wakakaka~~ Maison we are coming!!!!

Its already 11something we are here "Maison"! Wuhuhu=P Why no ppl 1? just a few cats chilling there...For somebody information, Club suppose to have alot of ppl and very lively. How come so peaceful?Still early for them i guess =) Before we go into the club we took a numbers of picture...
new friend from accounting "Josh" =)
Josh, Fang & CArmen =)
Sexy Bitch XD kekeke~

Here is some pics in the Club =)
The Bitches =P

we keeps wanna take off his jacket but he was shy XD
Fang & Fumi they did take their DSLR along it's way too bulky, now is my Sonie's time =P kekekeke~~ i dono why for the horizontal pics cannot make it XL its look weird in this post... =( *nevermind ask my fatty settle for me sure no probs 1 ^^  

Back to the topic, we shared a jar of wine... We do not intend to get drunk, we just need some alcohol to start the engine in our body =) 

this is the jar of wine =) huhu~
1 cup not enough for me i want a jar XD haha...Just joking la =P
new friend from will =) cheers
me and Fang again =)
let's start the party XD
We went to the dance floor to get high...Wow!!!Love to dance in the crowd <3 I sweat alot =D Then have a guy named Kelvin carry me up to the stair to dance~ WOW~ but i dont like, coz its make me like a show girl dance infront of the "ma lat lou" =( Gays was Hot!!! They shake their body like a snake... Especially their bottom side! Wow~ Here  some pics... 

Sweat much but i love it =)

they are not Gay lo ==''
Add caption
Drunk =='' kekeke~~ 
Oh no~~ Geli ==''
We leave the club about 3am then we went to a mamak store to have our supper erm... i think is consider Break1st already =P hahaha~ I order a bowl of Maggie Curry Sup and a cup of "Teh O ice limau" This is my food =P 

Hot and spicy and sweet and sour =='' 4 flavors in a meal XD
Reached home at 430a.m then i m going to Clean and Clear my face and body... =) Awesome 9 =)

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