Thursday, March 10, 2011

in the Library X_X

face looks dam "chan" so not going to show XD 

Surprisingly Samantha is in the Library right now XD haha.... Today i'm bringing my lappie to College coz later have to stay back to do the freaking suck assignment -----Federal Constitutional & my class will be start at 2hours later, so i just chill in the library!!! *chill alone pity pity =(  Frankly, I'm a lazy person, Library is not my place Xd haha.... 

i just put my leg up as i like i din care about the manner probs =P

& 1 thing i want to be honest is I hate assignment most! This is my short sem actually, but we had been given a hard subject in... We are actually not enough time to complete all the things on time!!! Too pack =( This is because we didn't manage our time in a proper way? Erm.... Nothing is Impossible =) Just waiting the submission date =P haha....  

*fair post =='' 

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