Friday, March 25, 2011

I have PMS~

Being so emo and stress nowadays ==" I have PMS i guess!! Facing the serious PMS recently, that means auntie is coming soon~ I don't like the freaking feeling, but its ll auto come to me once a month! Hate it! :( During the PMS period, i was dam emo!!! I ll scold ppls as i like! Especially the fatty & my family...
I am so sorry about my temper and thank you for the understanding ^^ I love my fatty very very much <3 he will always there for me no matter how i treated him, how i scolded him... i know that are having a sad time being scolded but he wont leave me alone, he ll still there for me just like my family =)

& i will use alot of money to purchase many unwanted things! Especially Snacks =P 
the mamee, nips, biscuit and the japan rice cracker i bought the big pack that means inside gt many small pack to eat =P
& Chatime =) Yesterday class end up at 5something but i purposely went to Pavy to get this.... Crazy!!!
Drinking 1 cup and take away 1 cup!!! <3 it XD
Ya~ PMS is premenstrual syndrome... If i am not mistaken it is a syndrome that affects about 99% of womens who menstrual. They will easily get insane, get angry...They will always confuse in what they need and what they want!!   

So if ur surrounding's womens suddenly get insane pls 4gv them =D they needs more cares and love during that period... Love women love all the ppls <3 

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