Thursday, February 3, 2011

ME =)

 Long time did not write blog dy. look at what is written before its really poor ><" i really do not know the real meaning of blogging... gradually found that blogging is actually the bridge that to let u to share about the person you encountered, matter or things happened in ur daily life... XD but not like me keeps writing down own sad things =( FOOL!!! so now i'll try the new way to write my blog... ppl wait and see ^^first, i would like to introduce myself =) dada~~~ this is me XD 
captured in a fitting room XD * like this top, regret didn't buy at that time XD

i'm a girl * obviously lol ==' so called Samantha or maybe u can call me chuiling or if we r really close u can call me AH LINg as well, but try to avoid it please!!! this name for me is actually like an auntie in the pasar!!! so "lou tou" ==''  haha...

 i'm 19 and few more months i can consider 20 in 2011. =) 
and i'm not 20+ la people...
sad to heard people said i'm 20+ =(

i'm a girl with a long hair 
but kinda boring with this freaking long hair dy 
but i not dare to try a short hair. =( useless bitch !!!

i'm a girl with a serious panda eye @@
 i dont really like it! it make me looks old and no mental @@

i'm a girl who dont really act like a girl!!! 
i used to act like a guy =) 
i like to be a guy so that i'm able to do whatever i like =) 
so free~~~~ 

i used to think too much and i can consider loss myself =(
i really dont know what i need and what i want all the time
i dont know why =(

i'm afraid of disappointment...
i dont like to let others know that i'm weak... 
suffering in this attitude =S
i used to pretend to be a very tough girl...

i used to be like i dont care but i do care!!!
i'm just too shy to admit that i'm very care about all the things happened at my surrounding...

i'm very lazy and a blur girl =P
i dont know is i lazy to do what i need to do so act like a blur girl or i really a very blur bitch?!!!!

i love to be in a relationship <3
but i hate to stuck in a maintaining relationship...
no freedom at all!!!!
so i'm so selfish when comes into love!
i just dont wanna get hurt all the time!!!

i'm a friendly person i guess =P
if u r my friend u should know that i m a "hiao po" and damn 38 when i get "HIGH"!!!
but normally people told me, my first image for them is i m so sombong and i'm not easy to get close!!! 
face problems la i think!!!!

that's me =) 
nice to meet u ppl =)

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