Sunday, October 24, 2010


felt so happy when i saw her getting better and better~~~
today i went to HUKM to visit my BBFren!!!!
she was hurt!!!!
 she suffered a mosquito disease a.k.a DENGI!!!!!!
this is all thanks to those Freaking Fucker --- moaquitoes!!!!!
I HATE MOSQUITO very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont like their "LOVE BITE"!!!!
its make my body become Damn ugly!!!!!
ok.... back to my Topic here =P
today Fumi a.k.a my part time Driver =P 
this is FUMI , my part time driver =P
he told me that he is coming to fetch me at 1p.m..........
Fuck OFF!!!!
its already 2p.m he still haven come yet!!!!!
I dont like to WAIT ppl this is my Principles!!!! (sound serious =P)
 haha~~~ but i like ppl to wait for me coz i like to be treated as a VIP =) 
wait too long felt like not going already T.T
* sam i m reaching within 5mins*
ok............ @@
phew~~~ finally we reached!!!!!
wow~ that was amazing she can talk, she can laugh, she can make joke!!!!
but she slim down alot!!!!
so Envy @@ i like the way she slim down =P *stupid women 
we CHIt Chat there until 4something then we (Huat, Fumi & me) went to HIGH TEA =)
enjoying at the Hospital CAnteen 0.0
this is Huat he was enjoying his MEE REBUS

what a HOT & SPICY mee.... 

this is my food ^^
i like snacks very much ^^
coz i always cannot finish the food @@ USELESS BITCH!!!!!!
CHill there around 1 hour we back to the Wad....
oppppps~~~~ she slept already =)
so we gotto GO......
*din gt to take pic with her =(
coz i scare later those BZbody brother or sister come to joy the capturing ==''
god bless her sincerely hope that she will recover as fast as possible then we can hang out again =)

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