Monday, April 4, 2011


2 more days to go~ final 1st paper!!!!SIGH!!!!
can i go to school just for study but not exam? 
Stressful & i eat a lot!!!!! :( 
Exam made me schizophrenia @@
I don't feel like study, but i don't want to resit or even repeat!!!
erm... yey, actually i don't want to pay the unnecessary money to the DUMP college its not worth!!!$$$$$
*$$money minded :P $$
& wasting time some more ==''
But i do not understand where is my study mood gone?
i keep doing many lame things during the revision's period ==''

haha... Party in the USA ^^

i try to do a USA's flag manicure by myself........... but end up failed T__T
sorry for no star but i add on some gold glitter do u realize?
erm.... still fail~~~ Sad! no art's sense at all =(
Once i done this manicure i went to ask my El.sis's comment......
1st thing came out from her mind is"PEPSI" ==''
haha...Look a like huh?
& mum's comment is "RED BLUE WHITE Plastic eco bag" =="
SAD!!!! why like that 1? Ppl 1st try ma :(
Ok what ^^ *I felt weird too.... FRANKLY :P haha~
i don't even understand why ppl can do awesome manicure by their own ==''
do u know i went to do manicure before its Cost me 100+
& its can last for few weeks oni T__T SAD!!!!
so, due to financial problems and think to have a nice nail just give self a good try =)
But now i "TAHU" i can't make it seriously!! Haha....
U can go search some manicure's tutorial on9, just like me :P 
But I"M NOOB!!!! No art's sense!!!! 
can u see the different between both hand below?
left hand side own manicure; right hand side edited :P haha.... but its looks similar with shop manicure what ^^ 
But i wont go to shop manicure anymore, not worth! but if for special ceremony or event that's okay for me ^^ coz i won't bring the USA nail along :P
 "ppls ll see me no up" haha.... 
new sentence learn from my lecture ==''
THIS IS what's called "ROCK THE USA" ==''
* its really LAME!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry for wasting ur time @@) 

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