Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3rd years Anniversary Part 1 ^^

 is our 3rd years anniversary^^... Time flies like an arrow, the 3 years is just like a blink of an eye =='' Frankly, i never be in a relationship as such a long long time... His tolerance, understanding and careful is the main power to maintain this relationship... I love him very very much... I really do and he deserves it!!! He is just like a child hoping Love from someone...He is very very CUTE!!!! Then, i'm trying my best to Love him too~  He is the one who always disburse but the end what he get back?! A scold from me? A blame? or a shit?! Ya... i'm a DUMB!!!!!!  A NOOB DUMBER!!!!!! My friends and my sisters always ask me the same Question, they always asking about "Are u scare Marcus leave u alone?" My ans is definitely YES!!!!!!!! I can't imagine the life without him, the loneliness, the emptiness and the coldness all is equal to LIFELESS!!!! sound clueless right? but this is the truth! LOVE U MARCUS!!!!!!!!!

Back to the title, you all sure very curious why i put Part 1 over there right? Haha... This is because of my guiltiness @@ The day went out is the day after my Final exam...Very rush!!! i can't even prepare anything for the special day of us!!! Felt super duper guilty :( So i think to make a Part 2 ceremony ^^ Hehe~ That day we hang to IU to do the celebration. He brought me to "Pasta Zanmai"... Yummy~ He always brought me to those very delicious restaurant =) This is our meal.... 
I love the 1st salmon pasta and the last pizza but i 4gt the name already... haha... I'm a pig just know eat oni ==''  and this is our drink~
Honey watermelon juice and passion fruit soda ^^ all this beverages very fast finish 1...B4 the foods come we almost finish the drink =='' speechless... i think this is their marketing strategies :P haha.... Then he gave this to me~ Tadaa~
Butterfly ear ring ^^ Love it much~ He really have such a state of mind, he knew i like Butterfly ear ring then i just have the oni 1 Butterfly ear ring so he bought this to me~ What an amazing gift that i received from him... Once i gt this gift i felt more more guilty coz he din have any return gift!!! Sad:( i almost wanna cry at that time but i scare i spoil my make up so ermm.... hahahaha.... But i do cried at the 9 :( It's really impressive~~ And then he wrote a Card for me... He wrote in CHINESE... Its unbelivable he can write Chinese!!! This is the Card~
Sorry the card is special for me and it is P&C so i'm not going to share it here... Haha~ Sorry ^^ and last is the ANGRY BIRD~

Haha... Very cute right? It is very pack and fluffy i love it <3.... So stay tuned for the 3rd anniversary part 2... i will make it more special :P Last last last.... Enjoy the Pic of us :P wakaka~~

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