Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Officially Brown!

HOHOHO~ My hair officially BROWN now!!^^ I dye my hair to Dark Chocolate last 2 days... This is the 2nd times i dye my hair...sound unbelievable right? Haha... Actually i'm phobia about dying hair seriously=='' The 1st time i dye my hair is when i'm 18years old... i went to a DUMB Saloon to dye my hair=='' that was a long story and i had been repeated many times already so i choose to skip it ^^Cheers~

Yeah!!! Finally the Stupid exam end already... Phew~ ^^ BYE Federal Constitution a.k.a Malaysia's Law lol... I din do well in this paper but i perhaps my ass wont resit this paper again... PRAY HARDer!!! Haha...

After the exam, Yen fetched me, Kelvin, Carmen and Fang to Pavilion ^^ We went to enjoy our Lunch there :P Yeepi~~ After that we went to SG.W bought the COLOR SHAMPOO and hair cares... Liese is the better choice!!! This color shampoo is very popular and famous nowadays and its very easy to use ^^ 
I cannot accept those too bright and yellowish hair color so DARK chocolate had been chosen^^ and these is the hair cares that i bought at SG.W ^^
Start from left is the hair treatment, then follow by the shampoo and the last 1 is conditional... Its made me bankrupt :( 

Now let me show u the contrast ^^
Sorry for the noob face=='' keke~ actually its not very obvious but i just love it^^ 

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