Tuesday, April 19, 2011

20years old B'day with Tinny Ton^^

I'm officially 20years old now!!!! ^^ Haha... Sound cool to be 20^^ This year's birthday is on Wednesday~  I already predicted no one free to celebrate for me :( what a big deal for a Birthday?! If i am rich, everyday is my birthday what :) But i'm not.....& i have to stay at home alone... Sad :'(

But suddenly i get a call from Tinny Ton, she said she is coming back now!!! I was shocked!!! Yeah!!! Happy~ At least i am not alone at home~ ^^ She bought me 4 types of cakes, some sushi and nutrigen... Wow~ What's a BIG surprise?!  
She didn't work... She have no extra income but she determined to do so!!! I appreciated it much much!!! Although not "big fish big meat" but i received her sincerity :D Thank u Teng^^ 
She is organizing the cakes and putting the candles for me....with her smile :) can u see that? She is a good sister.... i love her^^ 
When she is singing birthday song to me,my tear was falling down... Its touching!!!! Thank u Teng!!!!! i keeps repeat Thank u to her!!!  

She brighten up my day & my mood, so i decided to bring her out!!!! Haha... If u treat me good u can get double reward from me^^ Seriously!!! Haha... We went to Pavy^^ and i treated her SNOWFLAKE...
This is my sister Tinnyton^^ she is my loves sister... She is a good, caring and understanding sister... I love her very much!!!! This is her 1st time trying SNOWFLAKE, she love it^^ & i promised ll bring her for the 2nd time^^ 

Haha... Do u realize she is wearing my shoes? :P haha.... Not fit but she just don't want to wear her slipper out!!! Funny^^ Slipper ok what!!!

Then, i brought her to fahrenheit's SUSHI ZANMAI~ 

Haha.... spotting :P

All the sushi looks good to eat but actually so so oni.... lolx~
& u can clearly see that all the sushi are scattered =='' SIGH!!!! They are not serving a good sushi as we aspect!!!! No good no good!!! They are actually preparing to close i guess coz we reached there already 9p.m & the waiter told us 930pm is our last call... 
My face is exaggerated!! Just like an eagle putting the chick into it's mouth..lol & my sister expression was gentle =='' How nice?!   
I'm challenging myself with this ^^ but...........
Haha... NOOB!!!!
mum calling us already so we are moving now.... Keke~~Last, Happy birthday to myself again!!!! & Thanks TinnyTon!!!

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